Digital Learning Solutions and its partner Constable Research, have developed the Situation Based Learning (SBL) concept. This concept is built on our approach of Task based and Story Centered learning. To read more: look at the White Papers on this site.

Content Development Partners:

We have developed alliances with several content development partners around the world. They provide a multi-tier content development process, which allows clear delineation of user interfaces, content, interactivities and delivery technologies as separate entities. This coupled with the use of industry standard rapid authoring tools allows them to reduce development time significantly while simultaneously offering tremendous flexibility to their clients. GLG always works with local Instructional Designers to communicate with your subject matter experts to design effective learning processes.

Corporate Overview

Digital Learning Solutions is part of the Global Learning Group with offices in the United States, The Netherlands, U.K., India and Africa. The group consists of the following entities:

  • Global Learning Institute B.V.
  • Dev2Source IT Services Pvt. Ltd.
  • Constable Research 

Our key competitive advantage is the knowledge and experience of the principals, their insights and experiences in the I.T. and distance learning industry. Strategic alliances, to provide a cost effective solution, are a major component of our business model.

Digital Learning Solutions (DLS) will provide a highly interactive web based, hosted learning & collaboration environment. DLS will deliver a scalable, flexible environment to support all kinds of pedagogical approaches with different learning scenarios. Such scenarios include process oriented learning design, adaptive and tasks based learning, learning in teams, case and story based content. Using these approaches DLS will design and deliver very effective curricula and content. Optionally, the DLS technology suite provides easy connectivity to your legacy business applications.

We provide you with an extended Application Platform Suite (APS) for fully distributed assembly, deployment, and management of enterprise-class composite applications.What are our clients doing in the suite?  They are making learning much more effective and building flexibility to leverage productivity at much lower costs. The intent is to keep knowledge and best practices in the organization. Real integration of Learning & Working: people effectiveness.


We are enabling organizations to share, exchange, retain and manage corporate knowledge, best practices, and intellectual capital thereby improving the timeliness and thus value of information. It is the enablement of learning on the job with your personalized workbench. The platform helps reduce meeting durations and occurrences by enabling peer to peer coaching so that everyone in the group is successful. Improves employee productivity – one source for all the features and functions required to:

  • access relevant information, also from other (project) teams and applications
  • provide collaborative communication capabilities such as diaries (wiki’s) and reports
  • build and maintain group- and professional portfolio’s Measurable learning results tracking with access point learning modules

Transparent working processes with measurement of activities, progress, risks and deadlines by using our process manager
Just Collaborate !
“Performance improvement by collaboration of people and applications”


Take as an example the JIT training concept.
Focus on skills the professionals need now, to be learned under (time) pressure, on the flow. “The premise of just in time education is simply this: no one wants to sit in a classroom. People want to know what they need to know when they discover they need to know it. So, we need to find out what they need to know and tell it to them when they are ready to hear it”. Analyze the ‘short term’ learning objectives. Put learners into situations in which certain questions naturally arise. A learner who has no difficulties has no questions. Force learners to make deliverables as an individual and in small teams “you never walk alone”. Re-use the stories, knowledge documents, best practices from the organization. And re-use feedback on mistakes because learners are always making the same kind of mistakes.